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Support for Running your league


What support do I have for my Netball League?

The following sections have been introduced by Wales Netball to offer affiliated Leagues across Wales support in running their leagues.

Information pertaining to SPOND Networks, League Forums & League Visits can be viewed on the left. 

SPOND Networks


Wales Netball has created a SPOND Network for those who hold the following positions in affiliated leagues across Wales:

  • Chairs and Vice Chairs
  • Secretaries
  • Treasurers
  • Umpire Secretaries


These channels and chats are yours to own, and can be used for (as an example):

  • Sharing best practice tips
  • Getting advice on problems
  • Collaborating & organising


If you would like to join these League Networks, email walesnetball@walesnetball, including your League Name and position you hold in that League. 

We will then send you the group code to join!

League Forum

Every season, Wales Netball hosts League Forums for affiliated Leagues across Wales. 


We host 4 online forums via Microsoft Teams, scheduling each one to take place on a different night of the week to accommodate different league nights. For those that cannot make the forums, we send out the presentation slides and recordings the following day so you can catch up on content. 


Content varies depending on where we are in the season, sharing general updates, new practices, and an open Q&A section. 


We send initiations to these League Forums based on the Sport80 contact information for your league, for:

  • League Super Admin
  • League Chair
  • League Secretaries

So please make sure you keep your data and role holders up to date! 


If you do not receive an invite, please contact walesnetball@walesnetball.com with your League name and position held at that league, and we will make sure to send these details over to you.

League Visits

As part of our new initiative to ensure Wales Netball Leadership engage better with our Community Leagues, Wales Netball will be scheduling meetings with league leadership on an annual basis within the netball season.


Each year we will rotate which leagues we are able to visit in person, and those we meet online.


The purpose of these meetings is to see how Wales Netball can support you better and learn a few things about how you run your league.


Wales Netball will be in contact with League Chairs to arrange these, so please make sure your Sport80 information is up to date! 

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