We are pleased to announce that bookings are now open for the Community Masterclasses.
These Masterclasses can take place according to Welsh Government restrictions.
There has been a slight amendment to the times of each masterclass, so please see below for the updated details.
Saturday 15th January
7–11-Year-Old Masterclass
12–18-Year-Old Masterclass
Adults Masterclass
These sessions will be delivered by a special guest! Keep an eye out on our website and social media for more information.
To book, please click this link – Community Masterclass. Please note that you don’t need to be a paying member to book on to the masterclasses, but you need to have a Sport80 account. For ‘How To’ video’s on how to book, please click the video’s below (some web browsers do not support).
How To Videos
How to book on as a member. Watch Video
How to book on with no paying membership. Watch Video
Please ensure you click the Masterclass age range of your choice and not the trial dates as shown in the videos.