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Netball Tots


Shwmae, I’m Bib!

Welcome to the world of Netball Tots! I’m here to guide you on your first netball journey and introduce you to a world of netball adventure.

Information about getting involved with Netball Tots, whether as a participant, or as a deliverer, can be found on the left…


Netball Tots® is Wales Netball’s brand-new programme for 3-6 year olds. Netball Tots deliverers are provided with all the tools required to deliver fun and engaging sessions to young children. The programme is fronted by a charming netball character called Bib, who will guide little netballers on their first journey into the world of netball: from their first pass of the ball onwards.

Whilst it’s very important for us to develop netballers for the future, we want to ensure that all young people who take part in netball gain the motivation, confidence and physical skills to have a lifetime enjoyment of sport. Netball Tots will aid the development of ‘Physical Literacy’ and provide the platform for young people to engage in a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age.

The Pack

The complete set of resource cards includes 10 different ‘adventures’ to take your participants on, with each adventure linked to a specific netball theme. The pack also contains a starter supply of sticker books and stickers so that you can reward your participants at each session.

Wales Netball organisation members will be sent a copy of the Netball Tots Orientation video to upskill their coaches and volunteers on how to use the Netball Tots resources. The orientation workshop will provide you with an introduction to netball tots and the concept of physical literacy. It will also provide you with the confidence to deliver netball tots sessions using the resources through practical application.

Delivering Netball Tots

Delivering Netball Tots is for anyone who has the passion to develop young people’s physical literacy and netball related skills in a safe and fun way. Whether you’re a netball club, school, leisure facility or private business, there’s an opportunity to come on board with Netball Tots. All you need to ensure is that you meet the following criteria, and your information is up to date on Sport:80 before your order can be ‘confirmed’:

  • Organisation membership with Wales Netball
  • Register Safeguarding Officer on Sport:80
  • Register Netball Tots on Sport:80
  • Watch our Netball Tots orientation video on how to use the Netball Tots resources
  • Terms and Conditions signed and dated

Please see Terms & Conditions form here and Please return signed and dated to netballtots@walesnetball.com for your order to be ship out.


Online Shop

All orders must be placed through the online shop – Online Shop 

The following resources are available to order via the online shop:

    • Club/School resource pack
      • In English or Welsh pack
      • 10 different themes
      • 40 activity ideas
      • Sticker books
      • Stickers
      • Electric netball tots posters & flyers
      • Netball tots orientation video
    • Small business packs
    • Sticker books
    • Stickers
    • Water bottles
    • Mini balls
    • Bag Packs

Once an order is placed through the shop, a ‘Confirmation Form’ will be sent for completion. Once returned, your form will be processed and you will receive a confirmation e-mail to approve or deny your application.

If your application is approved then your Netball Tots pack will be delivered within 3-5 business days. If your application is denied you will receive a full refund for any materials purchased within 10 business days.

If you have any queries then please e-mail us at netballtots@walesnetball.com

Shop Now!

Terms & Conditions

Please return a completed Terms and Conditions Form (found below) to netballtots@walesnetball.com. 

Click here to access the Terms and Conditions for Netball tots.

Case Study

Wales Netball visited 15 Tots at Bridgend Bolts Netball Club for one of their after school sessions. 


The session began with some games from our Netball Tots® A5 Pack titled 'Under the Sea' which develops the skill of Pivoting. In Netball, a pivot is a great way to look around while keeping one foot still due to footwork rules. 


The tots then went on to work on defence and movement, guiding and passing the netball from one end of the court to the other.


During the session, it was great to speak to both Parents and Tots about all the things they are loving about the programme. 


See below for some of the Parents Testimonials: 

"A lovely team sport where the girls gain confidence, learn great skills, have fun and make new friends. The coaches are fantastic."


"Amelia really loves playing netball. This was her first experience of netball. Her confidence has grown a lot and she continues to love it."


"Heidi did not know anyone else when she joined but her confidence has grown so much over the past 2 years. The coaches have nurtured Heidi, and her netball skills have progressed so well."


You can view some photos from the session below. Thank you to Bridgend Bolts for letting us come along to your session! 

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