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Protecting your Sport

Protecting clean sport depends on everyone playing their part – athletes, coaches, or parents – whether on centre stage or behind the scenes. Speak out if you feel there’s something wrong – no matter how small. UKAD guarantee that your identity will always be kept 100% confidential. Find out more about Protect Your Sport here.

When you feel something's wrong, send UKAD an email. UKAD guarantee that your name and email address will be kept confidential. Email protectyoursport@reportdoping.com

No matter how small the query, message UKAD on WhatsApp* at +44 (0) 7857 634711. UKAD guarantee that your name and number will be kept confidential.

*WhatsApp is an encrypted platform. This number is not open to receiving calls.

Let UKAD know via this form on protectyoursport.co.uk. Chose the two-way communication option at the end of the form. You will still be anonymous, but UKAD will have the chance to follow-up later.

Call on 08000 32 23 32. UKAD is here to listen and won't ask you who you are. You may want to keep your identity a secret, but telling UKAD who you are makes a real difference later on, so considering emailing or speaking via WhatsApp first.


UKAD Whistleblowing Policy

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