• https://walesnetball.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-wales-netball-icon-logo-1.png

    Posted by:

    Wales Netball

  • Posted on:

    May 17, 2024

Wythnos y Gymraeg – Dathlu Cynghrair Pêl Rwyd Gwynedd a Môn 

Fel y Corff Rheoli Cenedlaethol ar gyfer pêl rwyd yng Nghymru, rydyn ni wedi dechrau cymryd camau bach ar ein siwrnai i gynnwys a hyrwyddo’r Gymraeg yn ein camp. Rydyn ni’n gwybod na fydd hi’n siwrnai gyflym gan ein bod ni eisiau gwneud pethau’n iawn! Er hynny, mae sefydliadau o fewn ein cymuned pêl rwyd ni sydd wedi cymryd camau aruthrol i sicrhau bod y Gymraeg yn cael ei gwreiddio a’i dathlu o fewn eu sefydliadau. Un sefydliad rydyn ni eisiau rhannu ei waith gwych ydi Cynghrair Pêl Rwyd Gwynedd a Môn!

Sefydlwyd Cynghrair Pêl Rwyd Gwynedd a Môn yn 2006 gyda’r nod o gynnig gemau cystadleuol i dimau lleol i Wynedd ac Ynys Môn yng Ngogledd Orllewin Cymru. Mae’r gynghrair wedi tyfu o 6 o dimau yn 2006 i 25 o dimau yn 2023. Mae llawer o’r timau’n chwarae yn y Gymraeg ac mae’r Gymraeg yn cael ei defnyddio gan ddyfarnwyr yn y gynghrair a datblygodd y gynghrair Gynllun Gweithredu yn manylu ar y gwasanaethau mae’n eu cynnig drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.   

Rydyn ni’n falch o rannu mai’r gynghrair ydi’r gynghrair chwaraeon gyntaf yng Nghymru i dderbyn y dyfarniad ‘Cynnig Cymraeg’ gan Gomisiynydd y Gymraeg ar 7 Rhagfyr 2023. Mae wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu deunydd cyfathrebu ac adnoddau yn y Gymraeg i’w haelodau a’r nod yw adolygu a datblygu ei Chynllun Gweithredu i barhau i ddarparu arlwy Cymraeg i’w haelodau.

Da iawn i bwyllgor Cynghrair Pêl Rwyd Gwynedd a Môn! Rydyn ni’n eich cefnogi chi i barhau â’ch gwaith i gynnig gwasanaethau drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg i’ch aelodau!


“Rydyn ni’n eithriadol falch o gael y gymeradwyaeth yma gan Gomisiynydd y Gymraeg am y defnydd o’r Gymraeg yn ein cynghrair ni, ac yn falchach byth fel y gynghrair Chwaraeon gyntaf erioed yng Nghymru i dderbyn y dyfarniad yma. A gan ei bod hi’n wythnos Cynnig Cymraeg Comisiynydd y Gymraeg, mae’n bwysicach fyth codi hyn.”

Welsh Language Week – Celebrating Gwynedd a Môn Netball League


As the National Governing Body for netball in Wales, we have started making small steps on our journey to including and promoting the Welsh language within our sport. We know it won’t be a quick journey as we want to do it right! However, there are organisations within our netball community who have taken tremendous steps to ensuring the Welsh language is embedded and celebrated within their organisations.


One organisation we would like to share the great work of is the Gwynedd a Môn Netball League! The Gwynedd and Anglesey Netball League was established in 2006 with the aim of offering competitive matches to teams local to Gwynedd and Anglesey in North West Wales. The league has grown from 6 teams in 2006 to 25 teams as of 2023. Many of the teams play in Welsh and Welsh terms are used by the referees in the league and the league developed an Action Plan detailing the services they offer through the medium of Welsh.


We are proud to share that the league is the first sports league in Wales to be awarded the ‘Cynnig Cymraeg’ (‘The Welsh Offer’) award by the Welsh Language Commissioner on the 7 December 2023. They are committed to delivering communications and resources in Welsh to their members and aim to review and develop their Action Plan to continue providing a Welsh language offer to their members.


Well done to the committee of Gwynedd a Môn Netball League! We support you in continuing your work to offer services through the medium of Welsh to your members!

Wales U21 Qualifies for the 2025 Netball World Youth Cup

We are pleased to share that the Wales U21 squad has successfully qualified for the 2025 Netball World Youth Cup, set to take place in Gibraltar. The team competed in the Netball World Youth Cup Qualifiers hosted by Wales Netball in Cardiff last month, where our athletes had the opportunity to perform in front of […]

Chief Executive Officer Announcement

After 3 years of visionary leadership and remarkable achievements, Vicki Sutton has recently informed the Chairs of her decision to step down as Chief Executive Officer of both Wales Netball and the Cardiff Dragons at the end of 2024. This marks the end of a transformative era for the company, one that has seen significant […]

Wales Netball enter into a partnership with Coleg y Cymoedd.  

We are excited to announce their partnership with Coleg Y Cymoedd, which will see the college become an official partner for the upcoming Netball Youth World Cup Qualifiers. In this prestigious event, six teams will compete for a top three qualifying spot in next year’s Youth World Cup in Gibraltar. This partnership emphasizes the mutual […]

Wales Netball Prepares for the Inaugural Celtic Cup in Glasgow

Event Overview Mark your calendars for a thrilling new netball event coming this November! Running from 7th to 10th November 2024, teams from Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Zimbabwe will compete in the inaugural Celtic Cup, showcasing international netball at its finest. As the tournament approaches, the Welsh Feathers are gearing up to take the […]

Exciting Announcement: Wales U21 Squad for the Netball World Youth Cup Qualifiers in Cardiff

Wales Netball is delighted to announce the selection of 12 talented athletes and three reserves who will represent Wales in the U21 squad at the upcoming Netball World Youth Cup Qualifiers! This thrilling competition will take place in Cardiff from the 24th to the 29th of September 2024. We’re eager to see our young athletes […]

August Organisation of the Month

Dare Valley Flyers Netball Club is a relatively new club which launched in January of 2024. The club was started as a response from the clubs’ founders – Lindsay Davies and Jonathon Davies, whose daughter started playing netball for her primary school’s team and really enjoyed it.  Due to large waiting lists for new members […]
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