On Saturday 27 June, Welsh Netball hosted its AGM digitally for the first time in its history. Held via Zoom, the 2020 AGM was attended by representatives from across Welsh Netball’s clubs, elite performance programmes, Board and staff and was chaired by Welsh Netball President, Merle Hamilton. The AGM was presented with Welsh Netball’s 2019/20 Annual Report, accounts and received reports from Welsh Netball staff.
At the AGM, two positions were up for election: Vice-Chair and Vice-President. Cath Hares, Welsh Netball’s current Vice-Chair was re-elected unopposed. There were two candidates for the position of Vice-President, a non-voting ambassadorial role: sitting Vice-President Wendy Pressdee BEM and former Director Jean Foster. Both candidates attracted a wide range of support, but it was Jean Foster who received the most support to become Welsh Netball’s latest Vice-President.
Speaking about the election of Jean Foster, Sarah Jones said: “I would like to congratulate Jean on being elected as Welsh Netball Vice-President. Jean served as a Board Director for the maximum three terms and it is great that she can now return to the Board and bring her wealth of experience to the group.
“Equally, we are going to deeply miss Wendy as a Vice-President. Awarded a British Empire Medal for her services to netball, Wendy is one of the hardest working netball volunteers in Wales. Her work running competitions and leading bench officials across the country is invaluable to netball in Wales and we look forward to continuing to work really closely with Wendy as we grow the game and inspire success.
“I would also like to congratulate Cath Hares on being re-elected as Vice-Chair of the Board, in the current climate it is great to have continuity in this important role.
“Finally, I would like to thank Merle Hamilton for chairing the AGM. A digital AGM was a first for Welsh Netball and Merle did a great job of leading the meeting.