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    Posted by:

    Wales Netball

  • Posted on:

    June 17, 2016

Welsh Netball’s Performance Training Centre Tournament Results

It was a battle between north, east, west and south Wales
last week at the Performance Training Centre (PTC) Tournament.  Organised by Welsh Netball’s Competitions and
Events Officer Bernadette Sheppard, this year’s Tournament was held at Bangor
University.  Seven teams from across the
country went head-to-head to win the Tournament title.

Congratulations to Afan Nedd Tawe who stole the title with a
total of 30 points.  Glamorgan Valleys
came in a close second with a total of 26 points.  North East Wales came third with 23 points in

Welsh Netball selectors were also present, hoping to spot
potential star quality within the players.
Thank you to Merle Hamilton, Rhian Davies, Helena and Bev Powell for
their sharp eyes and hard work.


Welsh Netball would like to thank all volunteers, umpires,
coaches, clubs, and players for their outstanding performance and enthusiasm on
the day.  It was an exciting, competitive
event yet again, which Welsh Netball hopes can be replicated and built upon for
next year.

A special thank you to Sarah Roberts, also, the official
photographer on the day.



Canlyniadau Twrnament
Canolfan Hyfforddi Perfformiad P
Rwyd Cymru.

Bu hi’n frwydr rhwng gogledd, dwyrain, gorllewin a de Cymru
penwythnos dwethaf yn Nhwrnamaint ‘PTC’ (Canolfan Hyfforddi Perfformiad) y
Mudiad penwythnos dwethaf.  Trefnwyd y
twrnament gan Swyddog Cystadlaethau a Digwyddiadau Pêl Rwyd Cymru, Bernadette Shepard.  Cynhaliwyd y twrnement ym Mhrifysgol Bangor,
lle wnaeth saith tîm o bob cwr o Gymru gystadlu am y teitl.

Llongyfarchiadau i dîm Afan Nedd Tawe a wnaeth gipio’r
teitl hwn gyda cyfanswm o 30 pwynt.
Cymoedd Morgannwg ddaeth yn ail gyda 26 pwynt, a tîm Gogledd
Ddwyrain Cymru yn drydydd gyda 23 pwynt.


Roedd dewiswyr yn bresennol ar y diwrnod hefyd, yn gobeithio gweld
talent arbennig ymhlith y chwaraewyr.
Diolch i Merle Hamilton, Rhian Davies, Helena a Bev Powell am eu llygaid
craff a’i gwaith called.

Hoffai Pêl Rwyd ddiolch wrth yr holl gwirfoddolwyr, dyfarnwyr,
hyfforddwyr, clybiau a’r chwaraewyr am eu perfformiad rhagorol a’i brwdfrydedd
trwy gydol y diwrnod.  Roedd hi’n
ddigwyddiad cyffrous a chystadleuol iawn. Gobeithiai’r Mudiad ail-adrodd yr un
bwrlwm blwyddyn nesaf ac adeiladu ar y llwyddiant.  

Diolch arbennig i Sarah Roberts – ffotograffydd swyddogol y


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