In July 2021 the Welsh Government confirmed a move to Tier 0 following significant decreases in key figures that were being monitored. This means that we can head into a new domestic season without some of the restrictions that have been in place over the last 18 months. However, please remain cautious and vigilant. COVID-19 has not disappeared completely and we will not hesitate to reintroduce the modifications and restrictions if Welsh Government advise us to do so.

For the 21/22 season organisations will NOT have to complete the NetsGetReady checklist or play the Modified Version of Netball in any facility.

All organisations will however need to ensure the following are adhered to:

  1. Risk Assessments completed on a regular basis for the facility you are using. Download Template
  2. Face coverings to be worn (unless exempt) when not on court (in an indoor facility) and efforts should also be made to social distance when not on court.
  3. Hands and equipment to be sanitised regularly. Download Guidance
  4. Registers to be taken ensuring all session attendees are accounted for. Download Register Template

Please continue to be vigilante when gathering for Netball activity. Should the key indicators start to rise again we will have to reintroduce restrictions to ensure the safety of all.




On this page you will find relevant documents and links to help you deliver COVID Safe Netball Sessions


Risk Assessment: Updated August 2021 to reflect Alert Level 0 in the Welsh Government COVID Control Plan

Download Risk Assessment Here


Session Register: It is still important that you take a register of who is at your sessions

Download Register Template Here


Hygiene in Netball: The below document has been updated to reflect Alert Level 0 in the Welsh Government COVID Control Plan

Download Hygiene Guidance Here




Sport, recreation and leisure: guidance for a phased return –  

Guidance on protecting yourself and others from coronavirus – 

Hand hygiene –  

Welsh Government FAQs Local Lockdown – 


Sport Wales have launched their Be Active Wales fund, which is now open for applications.

To find out more about the Be Active Wales fund, click here to be taken to the Sport Wales website.

We have also compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions relating to the Be Active Wales fund.

Can you apply to Be Active Wales if you were turned down for Sport Wales’ Emergency Relief Fund? Yes, if the application meets the criteria for ‘protect.’

Would the ‘protect’ element of the fund include the purchase of netball equipment? The protect element is in place to support sports clubs with fixed essential costs that have been committed to e.g. utility bills. Equipment costs should be applied for under the ‘prepare’ segment of the fund.

Are they two separate application forms for ‘protect’ and ‘prepare’? It’s the same form but dependent on the timelines related to return to netball activity, you should apply for protect and then prepare separately.

If a COVID-19 business support grant has been received by the club, are we still eligible to apply for Be Active Wales? Those who have accessed other support i.e. Business rates relief will not be able to apply for ‘protect’ support but will be able to apply for ‘prepare’ support.

If we have immediate costs and also costs associated with setting things up for the future, which fund do we apply for? If you require immediate support with fixed essential costs e.g. utility bills you should apply for ‘protect’ now, applications for ‘prepare’ should only be considered when they involve activity directly related to Wales Netball guidance.

Would aspects of a club facility be covered such as building work, should money now not be available due to lack of funding and the inability to raise sponsor etc? The Be Active Wales Fund will only support clubs with fixed essential costs and preparing to Return to Play. Facility developments that are aspirational and not related to the guidelines produced on ‘Return to Play’ will not be considered by Sport Wales.


How many players can we have on court?

Number have previously been capped when we were governed by higher levels of the Welsh Government COVID Control Plan. Now that we are at Level 0 the number of people allowed on courts is dictated by the risk assessment the venue you are hiring has performed. Please liaise with them ahead of your activities commencing.

Do we still need a COVID Coordinator?

A COVID Coordinator was an essential part of #NetsGetReady (NGR). NGR is not a requirement of clubs for the 21/22 season. It is still important to ensure that you have someone in charge of taking a register, sanitising equipment, risk assessments and the wearing of masks (where required). These roles could be undertaken by a designated COVID officer or other key individuals


Should organisations request players do a lateral flow test before arriving?

No, Lateral Flow Test’s are not routinely required in line with World Health Organisation guidance.
People who feel unwell should isolate and get a test.


Should organisations temperature check players on arrival? 

No, this is not essential. A high temperature is not necessarily an indicator that someone has COVID-19. An individual can have a high temperature for a number of reasons, some of these reasons might be sensitive and personal to the individual therefore temperature checking is not deemed necessary. 


If a participant catches COVID-19 after they have attended a training session, can I inform all other participants? 

No, it would be the job of the TTPS to inform other people on the action they need to take. You should NOT inform anyone yourselves, as you will not be able to arrange tests and risk giving incorrect advice. TTPS staff are trained to give support to people who will understandably be potentially upset and distressed. 

Why does good hygiene matter? 

Failure to follow good hygiene practice may lead to an increase in the number of people contracting coronavirus, which in turn could result in a return to a more restrictive lockdown, preventing people taking part in many forms of physical activity.  

  • Players and coaches should take regular breaks to sanitise their hands and the equipment  
  • Bins should be used for the quick disposal of cleaning wipes and substances  
  • Players should bring their own hand sanitiser and wipes (to clean hands before sanitising)  


I do not have access to cleaning fluids, should I use a towel to clean equipment such as a ball? 

No. A towel or cloth repeatedly used to wipe clean a surface, such as a ball is not advised.  Bacteria from the ball or other item of shared equipment will only lead to the spread of disease. Disposable paper towels and cleaning spray should be used and disposed of after a single use.  

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