Inclusive Netball / Disability Netball

Disability Netball

We are committed to creating an environment where everyone is included, has the opportunity, and feels that they belong in their netball role in Wales. We understand that our journey to making netball more inclusive of disabled people needs to have realistic, achievable steps, and as an organisation, we are determined to improve equality at all levels in netball, for participants, competitors, coaches, officials, administrators, and staff.


As part of our journey, we are currently taking part in Disability Sport Wales’ insport project, which aims to support the physical activity, sport, and leisure sectors deliver inclusively of disabled people. We have developed an implementation plan that will help us map out the areas we need to focus on to start making netball more inclusive of disabled people. We have started speaking to our current members with disabilities, and alongside Disability Sport Wales, we aim to create better, more inclusive programmes, products and pathways that meet the needs and abilities of those who play and want to play netball.

We plan to update the statement above as we move forward on our journey, and aim to provide a timeline of our progress to share with those who currently play netball, those in our pathways, and those who haven’t yet started playing netball.


If you have a sensory, physical or intellectual impairment and starting your journey in netball, there are netball clubs across Wales who have completed their insport award with Disability Sport Wales and can be found on the insport Club finder above. If there are no clubs in your area on the insport finder, please get in touch with us and we can help you find a club that suits your location and can support your needs.


There is not a current pathway for wheelchair users with Wales Netball, however we would like to develop a form of netball that enables wheelchair users to play and enjoy netball. If you are interested in helping us understand the variety of needs for those with physical impairments who use wheelchairs, to help us create and develop a form of the game that more people can play, please do reach out to us - 02920 334950 and

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